Subject: Distribution List
“Open Letter” to President of the United States
From : Harry P Dunn, Col. USAF (ret)
Coordinator: V - 22 Red Ribbon Team
202 Harpers Ferry Dr, Locust Grove, VA 22508
To: President of the United States, George W. Bush
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash. D.C. 20500
Vice President of the United States, Richard Cheney
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash. D.C. 20500
Secretary of Defense, Donald H. Rumsfeld
1000 Defense, Pentagon, W ash. D.C. 20301-1000
Attorney General, John Ashcroft, U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave. Wash. D.C. 20530-0001
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S. Mueller, J. Edgar Hoover
Bldg. 935 Penn. Ave. N.W. Washington D.C. 20535-0001
Secretary of Transportation, Norman Y. Mineta, Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street S.W. Washington D.C. 20590
Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Anthony J Principia
Department of Veteran Affairs, Washington D.C. 20011
Office of Management and Budget, Director Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.
St Washington D.C. 20503
Comptroller General, David W. Walker
U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington D.C. 20500
Undersecretary of Defense, Edward.C.”Pete” Aldridge
3010 Defense, Pentagon, Washington D.C. 20310-3010
National Transportation Safety Board Headquarters , Chairmanof Board
490 L’ Enfant Plaza , N.W. Washington D.C. 20594
Federal Aviation A dministration, Marion C Blakey, Admistrator
800 Independence Ave S.W. Washington D.C. 20591
Senator John Warner, Senate Armed Services Committee
225 Russell Bldg. Washington D.C. 20510
Congressman Duncan Hunter, House Armed Services Committee
2120 Rayburn House Office Bldg. Washington D.C. 20515
1. Introductory Letter To The President/ Commander in Chief
2. Open Letter concerning the flawed V -22 Program
3. Biographica/Experience -notes re the Author
26 November, 2002
Mr. George W. Bush
President of the United States,
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President and Commander in Chief,
As the Coordinator of a group of former Military Combat Helicopter Pilots, Flight Test Pilots, Aero
Engineers and Researchers, who are known loosely as the “V-22 Red Ribbon Team, I am writing the
attached “Open Letter” to you following two years of studies, investigations and reports concerning the
flawed and wasteful V-22 Program.
The results of our work have exposed a great deal of fraud, abuse and waste over a twenty year
period; with numerousproblems which have shown that the V -22 is NOT either safe nor the “new
technology” as claimed by the Contractors andother supporters such as the USMC and many in the
Congress.It is in fact an aerodynamically unsafe design with several Major Safety of Flight Design
Flaws;which havealreadycaused the death of 30 innocent men –the majority being members of the
During the past two years we have sent copies of all of our findings and work to OSD (A cquisit ion), the
GAOand the DOD/IG. We have found little or no interest and a great deal of ignorance or cover-up at
all levels of Management .
We, as mostly retired former Military men, supported by some of the nations outstanding AeroEngineers, Flight Test Pilots (including 2 former V -22 pilots) and academic researchers; request that
you direct an in-depth investigation to be conducted by organizations which have no vested interest in
the V -22 Program.
Because of the deadly seriousness of our efforts and findings, we are taking the liberty to forward
copies of the attached “Open Letter” ,to the Vice President, the Secretary of Defense and o ther
Admini strative Offices, which should be made aware of the realities attached to the V -22, and may be
of significant assistance in your decisions as to our final recommendation that the V -22 should be
terminated immediately.
The V-22is neither safe as a Combat Military Aircraft, nor airworthy or certifiable by the FAA . It is now
in its’ third design life, wasting literally Billions of Taxpayers Money and a twenty year waste and
disgrace to all involved. The Contractors have spent several Millions of dollars in avoiding discovery
through the technique of sealing negotiations and funds paid to 30 wives and families, who have tried
un-successfully to be told why and how their husbands and fami ly members were killed.
Harry P Dunn,
Coordinator, V-22 Red Ribbon Panel
Col Harry P Dunn (USAF Ret)
202 Harpers Ferry Dr
Locust Grove, VA 22508
An Open Letter to President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense,---Attorney General, and Director of the FBI
(A wake-up call about 30 dead Americans, the V -22 and Inspector General and
other cover-ups.)
President Bush, Comander in Chief of U.S Arm ed Forces,
I am writing to you on behalf of a group of about 120 former Viet Nam
Combat helicopter pilots, test pilots, and professional rotorcraft aerospace
engineers known as the V -22 Red Ribbon Panel.
As coordinator of our group, I can readily say the near unanimous majority
of our researchers, writers and supporters were proud and pleased of your
election which brought a new ethical and moral leadership in the White House
and in the Department of Defense following some eight years of degradation of
the US Military under the prior Administration .
We have tried to use a responsible approach and communication with messages,
studies and research findings related to the V -22 Program, with the current members of
the current Administration.
However we have had little success or response from any of the normal channels
including DOD, DOTE, the GAO and the DOD/IG.
We reported on May 14, 2000 that we had found Major Safety of Design Flaws
related directly to the V -22 and its propensity to become unstable, loose control and
kill Marines who never should have been flying the aircraft in the first place.
We have collectively spent several thousands of hours researching and
examining the engineering and design of the V -22 Osprey Tiltrotor Aircraft, and found
the work by the official panel created by prior SecDef Cohen to be seriously lacking in
fulfilling their Charter..
The V-22 Program Is A Matter of Life and Death!!!!
The bizarre behavior of the people responsible for the V -22 Contractor
and Government Offices to avoid any discussion of these safety issues,
while throwing money (at a rate of about $ 1.7 BILLION a year) on a very
sick and ir-repairable aircraft, caused us to go beyond our engineering
and safety analysis.
We then took a look at some of the internal and external pressures
working on DOD and other government agencies such as the GAO and the
Inspector General's Office. Several of us have worked with the aerospace
industry over the years, and in my own case, have spent seven years working
in the Pentagon in Legislative Liaison for both the Secretary of Air Force
and the Secretary of Defense in areas of Procurement, R&D and Appropriations.
We have also found it interesting that the national news and television media
appear to avoid discussing the V -22 and the innocent deaths of the 30 men
killed in the V -22 -or anything about their wives and children and how they have been
The V-22 Program
Despite the fact that each of the four crashes were initiated differently (gyros,
hydraulics, fuel, and other failures) ---all of them ended up crashing in essentially
the same manner. The side-by-side propeller configuration suffered a Rotor Stall
or Vortex Ring State on one side, followed by a rollover (or snap roll), with
subsequent crashes, and in the case of the last three, the loss of all lives on board.
As a transport aircraft, the V -22 was required by lawto be certified by
the FAA (for potential civil use). There was originally a Memo of Understanding
signed by both the Navy and FAA, which would have required the FAA Flight
Test Crews to participate directly in the V -22 test Program. A few years ago, the
Navy unilaterally terminated the MOU, which in essence left the Flight Test Program in
charge of the Bell/Boeing Integrated Test Team, with the Navy in a secondary
position. This decision was somewhat like putting the fox in charge of the hen
One of the major results, as reported by both the GAO and the IG, was
that most of the seriously critical testing ----in the low altitude/low speed
areas ----had been deleted/deferred. Two years later has still not been faced.
We had submitted a standard helicopter test for maneuverability/agility to DOD
a year ago (prepared by rotary -wing flight test experts), which could have been
accomplished in less than a month or two –which was in ignored!
As of this month, we have been informed by friends in NavAir, that the current
ITT leadership has still not submitted a test plan in response to Sec Aldridge’s
direction nearly a year ago. The nearest test plan they created (which we received
from Navy friends), very carefully avoided the clear intent of the actual testing required.
If the FAA had been directly involved as originally planned by law, they would not
have concurred in avoiding testing in the most critical areas and, would have refused
certification, because of the same design flaws which we had reported.
Note: It is important to understand that almo st ALL so -called flight testing recently
Reported to the press by NavAir and the USMC have been related to training and
maintenance checks, which misrepresent the claims of “flight testing” which is normally
related to validating the actual aerodynamic testing.
We suggested on more than one occasion that DOD should request
assistance from both the FAA and the NTSB to review the engineering and
design aspects of the V -22 and to review the four accident reports. We are
certain that their investigations would have reached several different conclusions.
The current system of accident investigation within the DOD and services
leaves the commanders of the affected organizations in charge of their own
investigations, rather than using non-interested officers from other
commands and organizations.
This is a major flaw which results in pressure from "up the chain", and
vulnerable to "cover-ups". The NTSB does not have this problem. Its
investigations employ people from several different organizations --not
in their own control or 'chain of command'. In the case of the V -22 we have
found several instances of errors overlooked, generally in favor of the
V -22 aircraft program, while concluding errors on the side of the crews.
DOD should consider changing to an Accident Investigation Organization
more similar to that of the NTSB/FAA to avoid any appearance of malfeasance
----intended or not ----by the interested military organization.
Three Major Safety of Flight Design Faults
First, the use of a poorly designed propellerwhich was designed to optimize
V -22 speed and range, while dangerously degrading its’ operation in the
Combat helicopter mode. The impact of this decision has had serious consequences –
to the extent that its performance in terms of the maneuverability/agility
required in the combat terminal mission areas, are worse than any military
helicopter in the world!
Another major result of the propeller design choice resulted in the
impossibility of making safe emergency landings, because it does not
produce sufficient stored inertia/energy to allow autorotation --as do all
other rotorcraft, helicopters or auto-gyros!
This is absolutely unacceptable!
At first, practicing autorotation in the V -22 was "Prohibited".
The normal flight test of autorotation capability –such as that used routinely
by the pilots of the Presidential helicopters and ALL other military and
civilian rotorcraft –was first deferred, then delayed and finally deleted as a
“requirement” because of the fatal safety of flight design flaw reported earlier
by our group.
Recently, the V -22 Program Manager explained that autorotation is not
really necessary and was deleted --under the premise that the V -22 could
convert to airplane mode!! He explained that since the majority of flight in the
V -22 would be in Airplane mode, that autorotation capability wasn’t needed!
Such a premise is false and deadly for the pilots/crews, who will be exposed to
the need of autorotation in numerous conditions when flying in the helicopter mode.
We are certain that the majority of the Presidential HMX pilots would disagree with
both the decision and the rationale provided.
The second major problem we found was that the close juxtaposition of
the two side-by-side lateral propellers produce a downwash twice that of
normal helicopters. This can and does result in asymmetric thrust conditions,
which create unstable and irregular vortex flow -producing stalls and/or VRS -which in turn can result in total loss of control of the aircraft in several different
situations --mostly associated with low airspeed/low altitude maneuvers
in hover mode of operation.
The third major problem involved the decision to use "new technology"
involving a Fly -by -Wirecomputer-controlled flight system. In essence it
replaces pushrods, pulleys, and other hardware with computer driven
electronic and hydraulic controls. These systems have been in use for
quite a few years in ”normal” aircraft. They are basically "linear" in
The flaw in the case of the V -22 is the use of "linear" solutions and
control systems which were never validated in actual full-sized wind
tunnels. If this had been done, it would have been found ----before we
killed innocent pilots/crews ----that the first two flaws can without any
notice, produce air flow which can become unsteady and irregular.
These situations have been declared to be what is called "Non-Linear"
or “chaotic”.
Current computer codes and computers cannot yet be made to handle
non-linear mathematical solutions to handle irregular behaviors. The
current efforts attempt to force linear solutions which result in failures
and a lack of ability to properly produce control solutions.
A relatively new science still in its infancy is trying to find a way to
find mathematical solutions for what is known as "Chaos" events. It will be
many years before this science can produce systems which can handle rapidly
changing non-linear vibrations, turbulence, irregular and unpredictable air
flows inherent in the downwash and vortices produced by the V -22 during
some descents and maneuvering.
We find it completely irresponsible that the entire V-22
supporter/contractor/military community has done everything it can to
avoid acknowledging these three safety of flight design flaws, while billions
of taxpayers' dollars are spent to produce more V -22s ----which are them
placed storage. It is an outrageous and expensive farce.
The the reports we studied indicated that 91 percent of all Rotory -wing
Aircraft lost during and since Viet Nam, occurred in combat-terminal areas.
These are the exact areas of greatest susceptibility and vulnerability of the
V -22 tiltrotor to asymmetric failures, rollovers and crashes.
Using data from the actual Bell/Boeing/NavAir/USMC Flight Test Data,
the US Navy V -22 NATOPS Pilots Flight Manual, and a few briefing Charts
presented (but apparently missed) to the Cohen Blue Ribbon Panel, we have
found many anomalies, errors and absolute false -hoods, which support our
findings and validated our conclusions.
Even after receiving our findings, based entirely on Government Documents,
neither the OSD, GAO nor the DOD/IG have initiated any actions based on our
findings or reports. More importantly, none of them have ever rebutted any
of our findings.
In addition we have talked and worked with numerous combat experienced
pilots, flight test pilots (including a couple of former V -22 pilots), crew members
and research/design experts. We feel fairly comfortable in stating that there has
been a long and persistent heritage of misinformation, misrepresentations
and a continuing effort by the contractors and others to deflect our findings
while criticizing and belittling our work.
Example: We discussed with one of the former Boeing V -22 Chief Flight Test
Pilots the fact that false information was provided in the V -22 Flight Manual which
was in direct conflict of Boeing/Bell Flight Test Data.
The deaths of the19 USMC men killed at Marana, AZ were directly the result of
flight control movements, when the Pilot attempted to maneuver during a formation
descent. He was well within the maneuvering envelope as limited by the flight
manual -BUT -well outside of the actual Envelope provided by flight test data!
When we showed this former V-22 flight test pilot the actual differences in test
data and the fact that line pilots religiously follow the limits provided in the Flight Manual,
--he told us that whoever had put those limits in the flight manual --
“should be hanged!”
Although this critical information (supported with direct data from US Government
data) was passed on to the DOD, IG and GAO, no action was taken by anyone to
correct the findings of the USMC Mishap Investigation, nor to clear the blame
placed on the pilot. “Silence is THE king!”
The Inspector General
Early this year I contacted the Acting Director of the Inspector General. I learned
that the material we had sent to the IG, which was filed under DOD/IG Case Number
80377for over a year, had been signed off as --"No Action Required"!
He was somewhat surprised and was not aware of our work. He assigned an
investigator from the CID section to work with us. We were pleased to find that he
was a former US Army Helicopter Pilot, who readily found the seriousness of our work
and the need to continue with an in-depth investigation. Unfortunately “other priorities”
have precluded the DOD/IG from following up onour more important findings.
(We feel that spending money with the very high probability of killing more
troops un-necessarily is about as high a priority as the Government can get.)
Wives, Families and Legal Cover-ups
At that time, our folks were preparing a study showing that there were some
"mistakes" ( or dangerously fraudulent information) in the V -22 NATOPS Pilots Flight
Manual --which were directly at variance with the actual Flight Test Data. This
information indicated a direct co nnection with the crash at Marana, AZ and most
probably the other three accidents which had occurred. Our study was immediately
passed to all of the offices noted earlier and were followed again by –SILENCE!
Recently the last wife of one of the 30 men killed finally succumbed to
the pressure of contractor lawyers who kept negotiating with “taxpayer” funds
to accept an undisclosed amount of money, with all facts hidden behind a seal!
By avoiding any discovery process, the contractors simply paid their way out and
left the 30 wives and families in ignorance of WHY their loved ones had died!
(Is THIS the American way ?????). Is a flag, a check and cover-up how we honor
Military families, to avoid responsibility??
We became more concerned and convinced that it was obvious that the
cover-up which had grown in the past 15 years or more, had become an endemic
reality. There are not one, or two or a few people to point to----but an entire
generation of people protecting their turf, power and pretended innocence.
We have found:
Maintenance experts whose officers don't make accident reports or other important
information available to them;
Senior officers and Program Officers peddling false and inaccurate information
about the V -22 to the public and Congress.
"Palace Guards" in numerous government offices not passing messages or
our information to their supervisors, bosses or Members.
For reasons unknown, the blind support and continued waste of billions of dollars
V -22 Ai rcraft -Hard to maintain
Many people we talked to are knowledgeable about the complexity and faulty
parts design problems of the aircraft and its’ truly high maintenance level. We were
told by active maintainers that the V -22 simply isn't maintainable --regardless of what is
done to it –or how much money is spent!
The people whose livelihoods are dependant on hanging on to their jobs can
only speak anonymously to former military --who they still respect.
The unbelievable evidence of the loss of morals and ethics at various levels of
management –both civilians and military ----has been replaced with hiding the truth
at all costs! (We have recently learned of similar problems experienced by the SecDef
which was reported recently in the news)
We have turned to you our Commander in Chief and Vice President to tell you that you
are surrounded with a growing disease of cover-ups, falsehoods, lying and fraud which
is laden with both internal and external politics in all areas
The pro-V -22 supporters continue the funding of a killing machine which has unresolvable aerodynamic design problems. They pretend to do testing, while at the same
time dumping taxpayers cash to contractors, in the name of “fixing” problems which are
in no way connected to the real aerodynamic flaws --at a rate of about $1.7 billion
a year!
Perhaps you might ask a few Navy admirals why the V -22s they purchase are
placed into storage, while pro-V -22 propagandists offer unknown 'solutions' to the
killing machine's many truly fatal design problems. Fixing wires, tubes, fasteners,
fuel cells, seats, lights, computer programs and dozens of other faulty components
under the guise of ‘flight testing” –while ignoring the most important fatal designs
are somewhat laughable to many of us who have worked on major programs.
Again, even though repetitive, the Military -Congressional-Industrial complex
negotiates behind the curtains of silence to withhold information from open courts
which would expose exactly why theMarines died in V -22s., and in most cases
allow the families to know why and how their loved ones died serving their country.
The contractors have paid millions of dollars ----under seal ----to the families of
the killed USMC !! The total amount of blood money (provided by taxpayers) and
spent by the contractors to do this was probably less than the amount that they
have contributed to Congressional PACs annually.
We would ask all of you --What happened to President Eisenhowers' admonition
to curtail the growth of the Military -Industrial Complex? Today, we must also add the
members of Congress who supply blind support for unknown and unsafe systems!
The prior Presidents’ admonitions have been ignored all to long!
When a major US Corporation can hide several hundreds of Millions of dollars from
The Government, DOD Secretary and his acquisition teams for over a year (as recently
reported in the F-22 case) we the public need to understand and be told by our leaders
just how deep co rruption can be sustained and ignored, before it is stopped!
It is time now to (after 20 wasted years and 30 deaths) to cut the tethers from the
greedy and self-grandizing interests, and to terminate/cancel the V -22 Albatross.
A twenty year, essentially non-stop R&D program such as the V -22 –which is still
Involved in redesigning countless pieces and -parts while avoiding the truly dangerous
testing which would cause the termination of the program, has become a National
disgrace of irresponsible management at all levels. It is an ongoing 20 year farce –
driven by internal and external politics -which we are sure the Presidential HMX
Pilots still smile at even today. They do not feel the V -22 is safe for use by yourself
nor other members of the Administration –leave alone the USMC itself.
It IS time to get the FBI, the Attorney General and the FAA and NTSB involved to expose
this costly –in both taxpayers money as well as human lives –misguided
Experiment! LIVES are more important than flawed Contracts!
God Bless you in your efforts!
A Sincere and Dedicated Military Servant,
Harry P. Dunn (Col USAF ret)
Coordinator, V -22 Red Ribbon Team
202 Harpers Ferry Dr
Locust Grove, VA 22508
Col Harry P Dunn , Command Pilot,(USAF ret)
1931 - Born, Eagle Grove, Iowa
1949 - Grad, Roosevelt High School, Des Moines, Iowa
1950 - Pre- Engineering, Iowa University
1954 –B.S.Engineering, US Naval Academy.
1954 - Commissi oned 2
/Lt US Air Force
1955 - Graduate, Flight Training; Fixed wing and helicopters
1956 - Married,Evelyn Gantz, Wash D.C. (6 Children)
1956 - 60 Misc Flying assignments in Europe
1962 - MS Aero Engineering, Univ. of Colorado
1962- 70 Post grad work:
Wittenburg Univ: Gen Psychology.
American Univ: Legal Environment of Business, Business Finance,
Quantitative Decision Making, Man a gerial Statistics.
Ind. College of Armed Forces (ICAF): National Security Management
1962- 65 Hdq. Aeronautical Sy stems Div WPAFB
H/HH- 3E (“Jolly Green Giant”)Program Office.
Flight Test Director - First All- Weather IFR Amphibious
Military Helicopterfor use of USAF Search and Rescue
Initiated and Directed - World First In - Flight Helicopter Refueling Program
Director of Operational Test Training Program ( Proj. Bueckeburg )
for German Army/AF Pilots in the FRG
Lead flight of first helicopter s non - stop across Mediterranean ; followed
by a non - stop 770 mile flight from Cairoto Jedda, Sau di Arabia, with final
delivery to M il Airlift C md for use in Earth Triangulation Project in Ethiopia.
1965- 70 Hdq AFSC.
Conducted Special Source Selection for urgent SAR ROC (HH - 53/HH- 47).
Systems/Operational Analysis /Stud ies for AV- 8 Harrier, Boeing Light Intratheatre Transport (LIT), SAR testing for XV - 142, USAF WW- FAC ROC and
SEA Asia Special Operational Requirements(SEORS).Wrote Tech Reportfor
AHS Convention on Aerodynamics for Helicopter In - Flight Refueling.
1967- 68- Viet Nam
SVN - Special assignment for AFSC systems coordination. Flew combat missons
with various USAF Organizations.( HH- 3, UH- 1, A - 1,A- 37,C- 123, HC - 130,
ABCCC).Analysis of SEA Operational Requirements for rapid reaction changes..
1969- 70 -Korea –Chief of Flight Operations, Osan AirBase Hdqtrs.
Wrote 5
AF Urgent Requirement for USAF support H- 3 replaceme nt for Korea.
Teacher: Math and Aerodynamics for Univof Maryland for ( USAF/AFITnight
1971- 73 SecAF/Legislative Liason, ( Investigative Division –Procurement/R&D,
Programs /Issuessupport for Authorization Committees) )
1974- 77 OSD/L egislative Affairs (Dir Authorizations/Appropriations,
Procurem ent/R&D).Supported Atomic Energy, DCA, DARPA, NRO.
Prepared Annual Briefing Books For Sec Def Congressio n al
Briefings/Appearances. Coordinated Army/Navy/USAF - Auth/Appn
Committee Support and Daily reports for the White House.
1977- SecAF/Legislative Liason (Director, Systems Division –Managed
Procurement/R&D Congressional Authorization Issues))
1977- Retired with “Legion of Merit “ a wards from both USAF and OSD
1977- 1991 Director of Congressional Affairs, Martin - Marietta. I nstrumental in
successful Congressional funding of: Titan, Pershing, Patriot, Copperhead,
B- 1,Titan IV and Lantirn programs
1991- Retired from Martin - Marietta. Awarded “Jefferson Cup” for significant
contributions toCongressional funding goals.
Pres ident - Federal City Chapter,American Helicopter Society
Lecturer- Defense Systems Management School
Member - Republican Club, AIAA, Air Force Association , US Naval Institute,
“Jolly Green Giants” Assn (RVN Search and Rescue), Treas:USAF Helicopter
Pilots Assn , U S Naval Institute, Air Force Associa tion , Charter Member –
Aviation Hall of Fame.
Pilot –Instructor & Instr ument Qual. Flying since 1952. Multi - Single Engine,
Recip/Jet Eng, Aircraft and Helicopters. Flight operati ons in some 35 countries
outside the United States .
Founder and Coordinator: V - 22 Red Ribbon Panel (Investigation, Research, Studies
and informal Reports to the US Government).
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